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Calculating the filling capacity of propane tanks with the help of Aspen HYSYS simulation


Propane Tanks

As a chemical engineer, understanding the characteristics of objects is something that must be known. Things that can cause the object to change shape due to external and internal influences must also be known. For example, in the case of thermal expansion, the shape of objects due to expansion can change. In industrial cases, when we design a tank for a particular fluid we must assess what things can change the condition of the fluid in the tank at any time. As always, before going further to simulate with Aspen HYSYS we must get acquainted with the processes that occur there.


Thermal expansion is a phenomenon that can occur in solids, liquids, and gases. In thermal expansion, an object can expand due to an increase in heat (temperature). Thermal expansion is defined as the tendency of an object to change its dimensions either in length, density, area, or volume due to an increase in temperature. When a substance is heated, its kinetic energy increases. Three types of thermal expansion are:

- Linear Expansion

Linear expansion occurs due to an increase in temperature which has an impact on changes in the length of the object.

- Volume Expansion

Volume expansion occurs due to an increase in temperature which causes a volume change. Generally, this expansion occurs in fluids.

- Area Expansion

Occurs due to an increase in temperature so that changes in the area occur in objects 

When a substance is heated, the heat causes the molecules to move faster (heat energy is converted into kinetic energy) so that the force of attraction between the molecules of the substance weakens. Liquid fluids expand more easily than solids, this is because the bonds between the molecules are less tight. Gases are more easily expanded than liquids and solids, but gases at a fixed volume cannot be expanded but gases whose temperature increases cause an increase in pressure.

On this occasion, we will simulate a liquid fluid, namely Propane. We will calculate the maximum capacity of a tank that can be filled with propane. In running the simulation, chemical engineering colleagues must remember that a liquid fluid whose temperature is increased causes the density of a substance to decrease, this has an impact on increasing the volume of the substance. For more information, let's simulate the case example below. 

Case example

When a propane tank is filled at 25°C, we need to leave enough volume for liquid propane expansion due to the temperature increase. The hottest weather ever recorded is around 58°C. In real-life practice, propane tanks are only filled to 80-85% of the tank volume. Why? We know that propane will expand when heated. But why 80-85%?

Aspen HYSYS Completion 

Create a new simulation in Aspen HYSYS

Enter the component list. In the Component List folder select Add. Add Propane to the component list

Define the Fluid packagers used. Click the Fluid Packagers folder, and click Add. Select Peng-Robinson as the package property

Next, enter the simulation by clicking Simulation on the bottom left screen.

Add Heater to flowsheet

Double-click heater (E-10). Define Inlet flow as Feed, Outlet Stream as Out-Het, and Energy Stream as Q-Het.

Go to the Worksheet tab. In the Feed Stream enter the Vapor Fraction, Temperature, and Molar Flow values of 1, 25oC, and 1 kgmole/h respectively. in the Composition section enter the Mole Fraction value of propane = 1.

Next, define the Out-Het condition. Enter the value of Vapor Fraction 0 and Temperature 58oC

Add a Spreadsheet to the flowsheet to calculate the maximum capacity of the propane tank to allow for expansion when heated.

Double-click on the spreadsheet (SPRDSHT-1). Enter the Spreadsheet in cells A1, A2, A3 follow as below

Now we will enter the variable values into the spreadsheet. Right-click on cell B1 and select Import Variable. On Object click Feed, on Variable click Molar Density, and click OK when done.

Right-click on cell B2 and select Import Variable to import the Molar Density of the Out-Het Stream. Click OK when finished. 

The spreadsheet will look like this

Next right click on B3 enter " =(B2/B1)*100". This is intended to divide the molar density value at 58oC by the molar density at 25oC. The resulting number is the percentage of the propane tank that must be filled at 25°C to allow thermal expansion to 58°C.

The maximum fill % of propane at 25°C is 87.86%, as seen in the spreadsheet 


Calculations show that the maximum fill is 87.8% if the ambient temperature does not exceed 58°C. To accommodate special cases, it is common for propane tanks to be filled to 80-85%. After completing this exercise, you should be familiar with how to create a spreadsheet to perform specialized calculations. It is important to note that, in real life, the contents in a filled propane tank are usually a mixture, not pure propane. Apart from propane, the mixture also has some other light components such as methane and ethane. Therefore, to perform calculations for real projects, we need to know the composition of the mixture we are dealing with.

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