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Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Simulation Using Aspen HYSYS


Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor
Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor

In the chemical industry, reactors are important equipment as a medium for reactions to produce products. Aspen HYSYS is a process simulation that is very useful for a chemical engineer. ASPEN HYSYS helps to understand the process, identify the advantages and disadvantages of the process and calculate the energy requirements needed when operating.

Modeling the Reactor by simulating it on ASPEN HYSYS is not too difficult as long as we understand well how the basic principles of a reaction occur. Previously we have simulated a Plug Flow Reactor (PFR) type reactor on this page. This time we will simulate a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) type reactor, hopefully, chemical engineering friends can follow it well and can practice it themselves.


Continuous stirred tank reactor assumes mixing occurs perfectly throughout the reactor volume and outlet conditions are expected to be the same as conditions inside the reactor. CSTR reactors are generally run continuously and are also used for homogeneous liquid-liquid reactions. Residence time affects the resulting reaction conversion. In the Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor, the residence time of the reactants is determined by the flow rate (discharge) of the incoming reactants and the outgoing products. CSTR residence time is very limited so it is difficult to achieve high reactant conversion, for this reason, a large enough reactor volume is needed to get the desired reaction conversion.

Case example

Below is a case that we will use as an example in simulating a Continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR).

2-Butene is a four-carbon alkene that exists as two geometric isomers: cis-2-butene and trans-2-butene. The irreversible liquid phase isomerization reaction with 1st-order reaction kinetics is shown below. It is desired to determine the residence time required to reach 90% reaction conversion in a continuous stirred tank reactor. Assume steady state

Homogeneous reaction

1st order reaction kinetics                                           rA = kCA, k = 0,23min-1 = 0,0003833 s-1

Simulation completion

Open the Aspen HYSYS program. Select New to create a new simulation

Create a component list. In the Component List folder select Add. Search for C4H8 then select cis2-butene and tr2-butene and add them to the component list.

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Simulation Using Aspen HYSYS

Define the property package, in the Fluid Packages folder select Add. Select NRTL as the property package

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Simulation Using Aspen HYSYS

Define the reaction. In the Reactions folder select Add to create a new reaction. In Set-1 select Add Reaction and click Kinetic Reaction.

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Simulation Using Aspen HYSYS

Double-click Rxn-1 to define the kinetic reaction. Add cis2-Butene and tr2-Butene in the component column. Define the Stoich Coeffs of -1 and 1. In the Forward Reaction section define the value of A to be 0.23000, for the values of E and B define 0. Make sure the Base units and Rate Units are in ibmole/ft3 and ibmole/ft3-min respectively.

After that, exit the kinetic reaction window. Click the Add to PF button and select Base-1.

Next, enter the simulation by clicking simulation on the bottom left screen.

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Simulation Using Aspen HYSYS

Select reactors then add Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor to the flowsheet.

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Simulation Using Aspen HYSYS

double click the reactor (CSTR-10). Define the Inlet stream to be FEED, a Vapour Outlet stream called VAP-Product, and a Liquid Outlet stream called LIQ-Product.

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Simulation Using Aspen HYSYS

On the reactions tab select Set-1 for Reaction Set.

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Simulation Using Aspen HYSYS

Next to the Worksheet tab. Define the FEED stream and enter the values of Temperature 25oC, Pressure 10 bar (1000 kpa), and Molar Flow 1 kgmole/h.

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Simulation Using Aspen HYSYS

Click the Composition tab and define Mole Fraction 1 for cis2-Butene.

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Simulation Using Aspen HYSYS

On the Design tab in the Parameters menu enter a volume value of 0.005 m2 and Liquid Volume 100%. This volume value is only a starting guess, we will later add adjust blocks to determine the actual volume required to achieve 90% reaction conversion.

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Simulation Using Aspen HYSYS

Add Adjust block to the flowsheet from Model Palette Double-click on the Adjust block (ADJ-1), we will adjust the correct volume value to get 90% reaction conversion. In the Adjusted Variable select the Tank Volume of CSTR-10. For the Targeted Variable select Act. % Cvn. of CSTR-10. Enter a Specified Target Value of 90.

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Simulation Using Aspen HYSYS
Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Simulation Using Aspen HYSYS

On the Parameters tab change Maximum Iterations to 1000. Click Start to start the calculation until the word OK appears on the green background.

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Simulation Using Aspen HYSYS

Create a spreadsheet to calculate the residence time. Add a Spreadsheet to the flowsheet from the Model Palette.

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Simulation Using Aspen HYSYS

Double-click the spreadsheet (SPRDSHT-1). In the Spreadsheet tab, enter the following text in cells A1, A2, and A3

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Simulation Using Aspen HYSYS

Right-click on cell B1 and select Import Variable. Select the Tank Volume of CSTR-10. Right-click on cell B2 and select Import Variable. Select the Actual Volume Flow of the LIQ-Product stream.

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Simulation Using Aspen HYSYS
In cell B3 enter the following formula: = (B1/B2)*60. This will display the residence time in minutes
Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Simulation Using Aspen HYSYS

The residence time is 39.13 minutes, This suggests that if we want the Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor to get a 90% reaction conversion then we must design the reactor with a residence time of 39.13 minutes.

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